Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Overall Reflection

As I reflect back on this whole blog and technology experience, it has really been an eye opener and given me a new view of ICT.  As I look back, my previous knowledge of ICT was very limited, I thought ICT was only digital technology such as cameras, laptops, computers and radios to name a few.  However through doing this course I have come to realise that ICT can be tools or materials such as cooking utensils, hammers, scissors and ice block sticks.   
ICT involves helping people and solving problems and can be a creative activity intended to meet needs and opportunities (Smorti, 1999).  ICT is defined by Siraj-Blatchford & Siraj-Blatchford, 2003 cited in Shah & Godiyal as “anything which allows us to get information, to communicate with each other, or to have an effect on the environment”.  Through this learning I have come to think of ICT in a new light and it has given me a new way of thinking about ICT.

In my centre I rarely saw the children using computers or cameras it is mainly the teachers that use these technologies.  This I saw was a common thing between my centre and what I read in my group’s reflections.  This course has given not only me but my group a new way of thinking about children using cameras.  There is the view that if adults allow children to use cameras that the camera may get broken.  This I think is a fair view and opinion of teachers as yes these technologies such as cameras and laptops do cost a lot of money but if we do not show children how to use them correctly how will children gain the understanding of the value of these technologies and how can they gain the knowledge of how to use them if their opportunities to use them are hugely limited.  It also contradicts the view of children as capable and competent learners.  Ministry of Education (2009) recognises that ICT being used in a meaningful way can support children’s learning and to grow and develop as competent and capable learners and communicators.  

Through children using ICT it was clear there were so many ways the children benefited from new ways of thinking and gaining knowledge, connecting links between home and the centre.  The children were also able to gain confidence, self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment and ownership.  Although I showed the children at my centre how to use the camera it was amazing to see the current knowledge they bring from home to the centre where some children were already capable and confident in using the camera and the children who knew how to use the camera or computers were able to teach or show the small or less skilled children how to use these technologies.  This is great and shows the concept Ako of learning and teaching.  Through the children working together it show the children engaging in social interaction and practicising strategies such as scaffolding where the more skilled or experienced child is assisting the less skilled or experienced child.

I found that through reading my group’s reflections that the children really enjoyed the opportunities of using different forms of ICT.  It was great to see that each of my group members were able to notice children’s interests and cater for these interests through the use of different technologies.  I was very impressed by some of my group’s experiences such as the light box.  I found this very interesting and was wonderful to hear the children were actively exploring and using the different resources to experiment with the light box.  I was impressed that the children were exploring with the feathers and were overlapping the different coloured feathers to make new colours.  This was very impressive and I applaud the staff for providing a variety of resources to engage the children in active exploration. 

My group placed some good feedback to my reflections and they were able to see the learning that the children gained from having technology apart of their learning.  From the feedback I received I have reflected and considered the feedback and suggestions that were provided and I agree with my group member that L being recorded this could have been a good opportunity to ask if she would like to try recording.  This is something I will consider in my future teaching. 

Overall I this course has opened my eyes to providing technology to children.  As our world is becoming more technical it is now becoming a need for children to be exposed to technology even in early childhood; this way when children transition to school and transition in to the workforce the children have knowledge and experience with different technology.  Teachers have a responsibility to provide these opportunities so that children are aware of the types of technology that are apart of their world and have knowledge about how to use these technologies even if it is a basic knowledge. 

Images from Google Images


Ministry of Education. (2009). Information and communication technology (ICT); te hangarau parongo me te whakawhitiwhiti. kei tua o te pae assessment for learning: Early childhood exemplars.

Shah, A., & Godiyal, S. (n.d.). Retrieved 23 Sept 2011 from http://www.aiaer.net/ejournal/vol21209/17.%20Shah%20&%20Godiyal.pdf

Smorti, S. (1999) Technology in Early Childhood. Early Education, No.19 Autumn 1999

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